Life is an evolution of matter
You are a colony of single celled organisms, act accordingly
Super Theory of Everything
Start with nothing
No time. No Space. No conecepts to formulate thoughts with.
Nothing does have a weakness however...
Our bit of magic in this religion is that nothing becomes aware of its own nothingingness. But that inof it's self is something.
Or prehaps, this awarness comes from another source.
Regardless, we believe the universe was birthed from these increadibly simple yet fundemental forces.
#1)Entropy(0) Nothing manifest. Not unlike a streched rubberband that pulls back onto its self. Driving everything back towards 0.
#2)Evolution(+/-) The desire to become something. The force streching the rubberband into something new.
Quarks combine to form protons and nutrons
Protons, Nutrons and Electrons combine to make Atoms
Atoms combine to form Molecules
Molecules combine to form Cells
Cells combine to form Humans
Humans combine to form societies
The atoms have combined into what we know as cellular life.
Some individual cells decided combing worked out pretty so far, form multicellular life.
A society that replaceas the lower working class with multipurpose robots. Elevating everyone to middle class by providing a bare minium stardard of living and allowance.
K-12 education is part of the citisens requirment to the benifits of society.